mehrdad nasehi
- Bachelor’s degree from Elmi Karbordi, Tehran, Iran
- Graduated with an associate degree Sooreh university, 2010
- Graduated from Tehran Music School, 2005
- Graduated from the Sooreh Conservatory high school.

Mehrdad Nasehi
Kamancheh & Gheychak Player and Bass Singer

Performances with Mohammad Reza Shajarian
- Collaboration with Mohammad Reza Shajarian in the Shahnaaz group under the supervision of Majid Derakhshani since its establishment
- The European tour in 2014, 2011, 2009.
- The tour of America, Canada, Australia in 2010
- The tour of America in 2012.
- The Konya, London, and Lebanon concert
- The Dubai concert in 2011
- Domestic performances
- Albums such as "Randan Mast" and "Morghe Khoshkhan", as well as the visual album of the "Randan Mast" concert in Tehran in 2008.
Performances with Khorshid Group
- The Summit of Leaders in Shanghai, China.
- A performance commemorating Rumi at the Versailles Palace.
- UNESCO Hall in Paris.
- Performances in Russia, Cyprus, Hong Kong, Slovenia, South Korea, Latvia, Kuwait, and multiple performances in European countries.
Other Performances
The Tehran Vocal Group:
- Main Hall of the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow in 2009.
The Tehran Vocal Group:
- European tour in 2013.
- Australia tour in 2014.
As a music composer:
- Ensemble performance in the North Cyprus 2016
- Ensemble performance in Fajr music festival in 2016
- Ensemble performance in Female voice of Iran festival in berlin 2018
- Composing of two albums “Beyond Imagination” and “Hayale Mest”
- Playing kamanche and composing in concert with maestro Göcsel Baktagir in Istanbul 2022
- Playing kamanche and gheychak in yunus &Ashk Album (composer:Göksel Bakatagir)

As Player and Singer:
- Toranjestan
- Fasl e Baran
- Asemaneh
- Boodan Va Soroodan
- Chavoshi
- Adam Va Sang
- Harir Shabnam
- Qadr e Yar
- Hamneshin e Dirineh
- Sobh e Sahar
- Fardaye Roshan Symphony
- Avaz e Khak
- Salhaye Kaboud
- Ghamnoomeye Fereydoon
- Hayale mest
- Beyound imagination
As a singer
- Feb 2012 Amantio, Gianni Schicchi, Giacomo Puccini, International Fajr Music festival, Tehran
- Aug 2013 Amantio, Gianni Schicchi, Giacomo Puccini, Vahdat Hall, Tehran
- March 2013 Amantio, Gianni Schicchi, Giacomo Puccini, Vahdat Hall, Tehran
- Solo singer in an opera called Khayam, 2018
- Solo singer in an opera called Saady, 2016.
- Solo singer in an opera called Hafez, 2015.
As a singer
- Bass singer with Tehran Symphonic Orchestra Choir since 2000 to 2016.
- Bass singer and solo vocalist with "Tehran Vocal Ensemble" since 2010.
- Bass singer with "IRIB Choir” since 2015-2018
- Bass singer with "Namira Choir" since 2009-2010

honors and awards
- Best player of Kamancheh in the general festival: “Melody of correlation” and Fajr festival.
- Wining the gold medals and a silver Medals with Tehran vocal ensemble at the world championship choirs in Latvia 2014
- Wining the Three silver Medals with Tehran vocal ensemble at the world championship choirs in Russia 2016